6 tips to thrive during difficult times
We’ve all experienced stress and learned new coping mechanisms during these historic pandemic times. With restrictions loosened, we are able to enjoy all the wonderful social outings and in-person events again, but it might be challenging to hang on to the great habits and routines you built at home over during pandemic lockdowns.
Amongst all this, you might be also be experiencing grief, depression, or maybe a break-up. For the big stuff, I always recommend talking to a therapist, but for everything else there are things you can do to stay on top of your happiness hygiene and combat stress, so it doesn’t hold you back from enjoying your life.
Your habit-building can be challenged with all of the distractions at play - so let’s explore some ways we can keep hold of our good behaviours while embracing our ‘new normal’.
1. Be vigilant about your ‘me time’
No matter what exciting plans you’re making, be sure to carve out and protect a good chunk of time every day to look after yourself. This can include meditation, journalling, time for exercise and stretching, or simply some quiet time with yourself. When was the last time you connected with yourself?
2. Design your life, instead of being reactionary
It’s time to take the driver’s seat on the activities you want to participate in. It can be all too easy to just let others curate how you spend your ‘out’ time during re-entry, especially after being locked in for so long. Now’s your chance to really curate your fun, your learning, your adventures in your own style. What would your ideal day, week, month look like?
3. Say no, or set limits
You don’t have to go to any event, party, concert, exhibition or pub session if you don’t fancy it or if you don’t feel safe. This is a great time to set boundaries because we’re all learning how to navigate the new world right now. We’re all so much more understanding of each other right now, it’s a golden opportunity to do things in our own way. If you’re unsure about something, check your gut feeling or consider how you’ll likely feel after either choice. Depleted or fulfilled?
4. Fix up, look sharp
Trick your body and mind into feeling light and confident. Put your shoulders back and walk tall. Relax the muscles in your face and smile. After sitting on sofas, looking at screens, and wearing masks for so long, we’re all looking a bit hunched over and grouchy at the moment. Body language can be contagious, so bring some upright positivity to yourself and others. Do some yoga to straighten up, smile at strangers, wear some cheerful colours. One of my secrets is wearing high heels, they’re the antidote to slouching and make me feel statuesque.
5. Boost your nutrition
Coffee with a friend. Wine with colleagues after work. Eating ‘road food’ on the journey to your vacation rental. Sometimes without realising, when we relax into our social lives it can be quite a strain on our vitamin and mineral intake. Either the delicious drinks we’re having strip us of them, or the food we’re eating is a bit un-nutritious. Try to eat as many vegetables and fruit as you can whether it’s snacking, ordering a side salad, or having a daily green smoothie. I take gummy multivitamins every day (so tasty) and I love spray vitamins as well, for ease.
6. Hydrate
Because we’re a bit more distracted and on-the-go lately, we might also forget to hydrate ourselves as much as we did at home. To feel great, hydrate! If optimum health isn’t reason enough for you to get into it, think of your skin. Doesn’t reading this make you want to reach for your glass of water?
Tell me: How are your happiness levels right now?
What are some ways you’re keeping up good habits and routines now that we’re navigating our ‘new normal’? Are you feeling fatigued or energised? Do you feel in tune with your body and mind, and overall goals?
Join my free private Facebook Group and share with our supportive community, and sign up for my free Five-Day Happiness Reboot to make sure you’re looking after the basics. I’ve got you!
Jess xoxo